PrideEstates |
Pride Estates

Danny Chun

About us Real Estate Broker Specialties Buyer's agent Listing agent Relocation Consulting Property Management Landlord At Pride Estates we take great Pride in what we do and we take great Pride in helping you! If you are looking to buy or sell a home in Brooklyn, let Pride Estates shepherd you through the process. With a combined 50+ years of experience, our agents know how to help Brooklyn home buyers and sellers reach their goals with great enthusiasm. If you are looking to purchase a property, we can help you prepare a budget and educate you about the home buying process. We will make sure you know exactly what to expect and what you are doing so there are no surprises along the way. We will also help you to avoid the common pitfalls that could happen when purchasing a home and arm you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions. If you are thinking about selling a home in Brooklyn, or even if you are just curious as to how much your home is worth, Pride Estates can provide you with a FREE estimate of your home's value. This can be done via email, text, phone call or in person, whichever works best for you. There is no cost or obligation, it is quick and painless and we will not try to push you to do something that is not in your best interest. We can provide you a list of all the homes that have sold in your neighborhood over the last six months which will give you a snapshot of what is happening in your local market. We can share important tips and strategies to help you increase your home's value and make sure you sell your home for the highest price if and when you do decide to sell. Click here to visit our company web site. Feel free to contact Pride Estates at anytime, we would love the opportunity to assist you with all your Brooklyn Real Estate needs!